Ruhnu offers simple ways to showcase your work for free. With just 50 permanent residents, 7 000 curious visitors pass through the island every year, who are particularly keen to discover and explore the vibrant local cultural life after a several-hour sea voyage.
  • Photography, graphics, painting and other fine arts - organise your own pop-up exhibition outdoors or indoors: in the harbour's renovated Culture Fence, built before the war as a rescue centre, on the outside or inside the only surviving longhouse/recreation building on the island, under the roof of the song lodge, in the lighthouse cordon complex, in the renovated community centre or elsewhere.
  • Organise a workshop on creative writing, birdwatching, nature photography, crafts, design or an academic research topic and invite Ruhnu residents, holidaymakers, tourists or your own guests to participate.
  • Put together your personal semiacademic Ruhnu microdegree for a select enlightened few.
  • Organise your own film festival with debates and screen it in the community centre or in the Korsi hay cinema.
  • Take your team on a design or spatial design sprint for a couple of weeks and discuss the results with interested parties in a workshop.  
  • Give lessons based on your experience to children and teachers at school.

Record and share your on-site experience in a blog or photo/video blog.